June 13, 2014

He loves me....I love him

After years of trying to make a connection with a man that could never love me the way I needed to be loved, I closed the door. Not to say that I don't have love for him anymore, but I can never give my love to him or be in love with him again. I just can't be with him. We can never have a healthy relationship especially since I don't trust him with my heart.
With all that being said, I have opened the door to a new chapter with fresh eyes and an open mind. "Cain" gives me everything I could ever want in a partner. He's not afraid of his emotions and embraces them to love me harder than I've ever experienced. He wants me to be apart of his life, meet his daughter, meet his mother, build a future together, he wants me wholeheartedly with no hesitation. A man that supports my dreams and actually wants to build a life with me. I never knew love could be like this, because of all the back and forth fake love that I've been through over the years. He loves me in a way that I didn't think was possible after how many times my heart had been shattered. The type of man he is makes me want to be a better woman. In the end I hope I'm enough for him.
This is the kind of love I've always wanted. No more teenage puppy love, Carrie & Big roller coasters, or even "perfect" love stories. He understands me and loves my flaws like they don't exist. I understand him and know he's not perfect. We just seem to work well with one another like we were made for one another. He told me he loves me, and with the ease of an open heart I can say I love him too. 

June 10, 2014

You live...You learn...

Not enough guys remember this. They are constantly putting the good girls through the most bullshit and wife up the unfaithful ones wondering why they can't have a functional relationship. Stop blaming women for your choices as a man. You should be a man regardless of however foul you think a woman or women are, that shows your character when you let the actions of others define you.