August 29, 2014

Had to say it one time...

I hate when people ask me why I'm single. Does it really matter? I mean I'm not in a relationship with you, nor do I plan to be, so what concern of yours is it if I'm not dating anyone significant. Can I live? My life is not defined by my relationship status. Having a man does not validate my existence in this world. I am who I am with or without a man. It has no bearing on your relationship status, so why do people ask. This is a growing problem of people not being able to stay in their own lane. This is where confusion and misunderstanding come into play. MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS and let people live their life.

August 27, 2014


Yes I call myself a bitch,

Not in the sense that I crawl on all fours and beg for treats

Not in the sense that I am less than womanly and undeserving of respect.

I call myself a bitch in the sense that I will rip you to shreds for fucking with those I love

I call myself a bitch in the sense that I am loyal to people in my world.

I call myself a bitch in the sense that I am stronger, wilder, and badder than any one aspect of being who I’m supposed to be.

I am more than your narrow perception of how I’m supposed to act and who I am.

I am a bitch, but I am all woman