July 21, 2009

A Man in Uniform...

What is it about a man in uniform that is just so appealing? I can’t quite put my finger on it, but as I was standing in line at a local Starbucks, I found myself strongly attracted to the police officer standing in front of me. Now mind you had he been in “civilian” clothes, I probably would not have given him a second look, but the gun he had and the strong presence he brought by just standing there got me thinking dirty thoughts. All I can is that I wanted to jump the bones of the hot police officer right then and there in the middle of Starbucks with no inhibition in sight. Well some in sight, because let’s be realistic it’s a police officer in a Starbucks, let’s not get too crazy.

I have noticed that this has happened on more than one occasion with me, where there has been a decent looking guy, but put him in a police uniform, paramedic uniform, fire fighter uniform, well you get the point, and it makes him like 4 times hotter than he is. I know with the uniforms I listed before there may have been a recurring theme of men that saves lives. It’s not the case, I promise you, because I like the UPS guys to, but I think that may be the shorts they wear. I hope this attraction to men in uniforms subsides soon, because I can’t go around getting wet every time I see a hot man in uniform. That would be all bad. So what I have decided is that I will make my list and maybe check it twice of all the men, and what uniform they have that I wish to sleep with. I have police officer, marine, navy man, and army man under my belt. What other ones shall I conquer? And who will be next? I got a feeling it will be this hot paramedic that lives down the street from me, we recently met and I think I kind of like him. Oh the adventures of my life, where will you take me next???
So keep sending me those questions and until the next question rolls my way much love and happiness...enjoy your night

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