October 21, 2009

Fucking vs. Loving

Fucking: Anytime, anywhere, down for anything
Loving: At night after a romantic dinner and stroll on the beach

Fucking: In the back seat of your car in a fast food parking lot
Loving: At the cabin by the lake where you would go for summer vacation when you were younger

Fucking: The two of you in someone else's pool skinny dipping
Loving: In your jacuzzi after a long day at work

Fucking: What single people do
Loving: What married people do

Fucking: Threesomes are an option for fun to be had
Loving: Threesomes are a way to get different sex

Fucking: One night stands
Loving: Same person every night

Fucking: Condoms, birth control, and worry about pregnancy
Loving: hoping to have a baby

Fucking: A new adventure everytime
Loving: The same adventure on repeat

Fucking: Gives you oral everytime
Loving: Gives you oral on your birthday.

Fucking: Is selfish, get yours and get out
Loving: Is generous, worries about their partner getting theirs

Fucking: Hit and miss on quality
Loving: You already know what you're getting

Last one so I should probably make it crazy good...lol
Fucking: Will have you calling in sick for a couple days cause you can't walk right, and you're just a little too tired to do anything important
Loving: Will have you knocked out and get a good night sleep, refreshed to start the next morning with a healthy breakfast.

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