June 12, 2010

Fuck a Hater

All you are is a pussy ass bitch...this why people can't have nice things dumbasses like you fuck it up for everyone else. It irritates me how ignorant people can be

June 9, 2010

Baby…what did I do?

When it comes to dating, I have a "date like a man" mentality. I don't call guys back right away, have them waiting by the phone and even texting me "did I do something wrong". I don't do it to be mean or bitchy, it just kind of happens. I take things very literal if I tell you I'll call you back in 20 minutes I will. If you say you want to come over and we set a time I expect to see you there, and if you don't show up I make other plans; it's as simple as that. Females get so wrapped up in what a guy does and fail to do that they forget to live their life. Give your guy a break, and make him miss you, because absence really makes the heart grow fonder. Give your girl a break and don't be needy as well

As all good stories start

There is a cute guy that I know. He works at my favorite Starbucks that I enjoy going to so that I can write my blog entries. I promised him I would write a blog entry for him about him. I thought about being mean, because we all know that's me sometimes, but I won't do that. Maybe in my growing years I'm getting soft. But anyway, we shall call him Caramel Macchiato because that's my favorite drink and he's light skin. So CM is a young brotha with a job and in school. From what I see of his personality while I'm enjoying my coffee, he is smart, funny and outgoing. He sweet when he wants to be, and for real keeps me cracking up when I'm trying to get work done. CM isn't my flavor because I like my guy to be espresso if you know what I mean, but CM is a hottie. What else is there to say? J this is for you Caramel Macchiato

June 1, 2010

*PSA: If you didn’t know here you go*

  1. I am SINGLE. I like my status. I am selfish and I don't want to compromise my time for anyone. I look at men like my next conquest and a piece of meat. Sorry but that's what it is right now. It has been different in the past, and I'm sure it will be in the future but as of the present no one is going to lock me down anytime soon.
  2. I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish by the end of this year.
    1. I am looking to start an online magazine called "Hit the Streets"
    2. I am working on a novel to be completed by the end of the year titled "Portrait of Perfection"
    3. I plan on obtaining my bartending license by the end of the summer.
    4. I will lose at least 30-40 lbs by the end of the year
  3. I am smart, beautiful, ambitious and strong. I have many personal struggles, but I am dealing with them so that I can achieve GREATNESS
  4. Living in one of the most materialistic cities in America it is difficult to not be possession obsessed but it is true. I don't care about labels and designers. I just want to make my money so I can live comfortably
  5. I plan to travel to Chicago for SuperCamp this summer as well as Hawaii and NY for fun
  6. If you ever have any question about what I do with my time, ask yourself this, Why am I concerned with her time and not with my own?
  7. And last but not least If you have a question for me about anything I write, where I get my opinions/advice from, how I come up with topics, anything dealing with me or my blog PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to ask me.

Pick-up lines are NEVER okay

  • Can I walk your dog with you sometime? (as I'm currently walking my dog)
  • You look good in them clothes, so I'm trying to see you out of them. ("baby I'm a freak" no sweetie you're thirsty")
  • Girl you thicka than a snicker, can I call you sometime?
  • You got a man? (no) Why not? (If I knew I guess I would have one right now huh?)
  • Aye lil mama, what's good? (sunshine, flowers, lollipops you are going to have to be more specific)
  • Do you work out? (yes) I'd like to work you out sometime.
  • Why is your face so gorgeous? (*blank stare* o_0 genetics)
  • Can I give you a backpack? (Why?) I just wanted to do something nice so you would want to give me your number)
  • I bet you got a fat pussy…can I touch? (*dead*)

These are all pick-up lines I have encountered in my recent years. Ridiculous, I know, but some guys just don't know any better what can I say? Truly successful pick-up lines don't need to be shocking, inappropriate, "fresh", or even noticeable pick-up lines.

  • Hello miss, how are you today? You caught my eye and I wanted to approach you to ask you out.
  • Hi my name is (fill in name), I was intrigued by your beauty, and may I call you sometime?
  • I couldn't help but to notice you, and I would like to get to know you a little better

Yes there are far fewer, but being polite gets you a lot further with a woman of quality than with a breezy from the hood. So be aware of the caliber of female you are approaching and that if your crazy pick-up line works she's not the kind of woman you should date. (MAYBE smash, but not bring home to mom)

Messages that get NO REPLY

  • Wat$ g00d b00?
  • Where u @? Who u with? And when can I see you?
  • When you gone come see me?
  • Can u send me s0me pixs?
  • What you dewin?
  • When Imma see you?
  • Do you smoke?
  • Do you like me?
  • Aye, what's up?
  • Wat it d0?
  • Wats the bizness?