June 2, 2011

Oh Boobies!

I was taking my shower this morning and don't judge me for this, but I ended up spending a particularly large amount of time lathering my breasts. They are not an overly sensitive area for me, so a million thoughts kept running through my mind as I continue to basically play with my boobs in the shower. Why do guys like big boobs so much? I wonder what I would look like if I lost weight and they stayed the same size? why do some guys love the sensation of nipple play way more than me? Is it weird that I hate when guys spend too much time on the boobs and not else where? just to tell you a few. Now don't get me wrong, but when I say they aren't overly sensitive, that doesn't mean I don't like my chest, I LOVE my boobies, they are two of my favorite assets. I just don't get the whole wow factor. But I digress, they are fun sometimes.

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