July 2, 2011

Online Dating..

I was debating giving online matchmaking a try. There are just so many options to choose from. You have the "creeper" way of facebook, twitter, tumblr and other social networks. You have the fixed semi-exclusive way of eharmony, match.com, chemistry.com and others of the like. Then last but no least the always made fun of craigslist and backpage. These sites are no more random than meeting someone in a public place or being set up by a friend. There is such a negative stigma put on this method, because of creepy liars that portray good people but are really just lame losers. Don't get me wrong, I meet people i'm interested in all the time, it just has the champagne affect, pop and fizzle. some of the best conversations and relationships I have ever built started out just talking on the Internet and getting to know each other. But I must say some of my funniest and worst experiences have happened through this method as well. All in all its no different than meeting a undercover creeper at a party or the bookstore, so life's chances are taken at every turn.
Its so awkward when my girlfriends ask me, where did you meet him? sometimes I'm just like I met him on facebook, and before i can say that I play in my head their judgmental reactions and make something else up instead. So i guess what I mean is the risky chance of a website like eharmony doesn't seem so out there, but I can't wait till the societal norm of it changes so people aren't so ashamed of saying that's where they met someone.

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