Is it bad when you sleep with someone, but then the next night you sleep with their best friend?
Is it bad when you know you shouldn't like someone and you do?
Is it bad when you make stuff up to sound more interesting?
Is it bad when you know you shouldn't but you do anyway?
These are all questions i have received recently, I was quite intrigued and a little shocked. (I have changed the actual questions a little to better suit the blog. content same, wording different.) i can and will answer them....
Is it bad when you sleep with someone, but then the next night you sleep with their best friend?
I really wanna say that it's bad, but who am i to cast the first stone, when i have been in that situation. It sucks to be that person, but if you don't feel bad, then who is anyone to say right or wrong. Just make sure you are being safe, use protection and always have an up to date STD test. Don't be stupid with sex, use your head.
Is it bad when you know you shouldn't like someone and you do?
No, it happens to the best of us. You fall for that bad guy or girl, that you know you shouldn't like, but you can't help it they have something that obviously intrigues you. I say let it pass, try not to act on it, cause it will only cause problems.
Is it bad when you make stuff up to sound more interesting?
Yes tell tales, lying, fibbing all that jazz is bad news. If you're not interesting, do something with your life to be able to tell true stories. Tell lies gets you nowhere fast.
Is it bad when you know you shouldn't sleep with someone but you do anyway?
I guess for me it would depend on who you sleep with, and why you shouldn't be sleeping with them. I would say its definitely bad if you have been down that path before and it only ends in heartbreak. Trust me nobody asks for that. If you are feeling guilt about either your or their relationship outside of the obvious sexual one between the two of you, there is probably a big issue you need to work out. If you feel guilty about it, it's probably a bad thing.
There is no right or wrong answer to any of these questions. I have given you my perspective, take from it what you will. If you disagree I respect your opinion, however it is your opinion not mine. I take all questions very seriously, so don't be shy ask away. So until the next question rolls my way much love and happiness...enjoy your night
Good solid answers & advice!