January 19, 2011


On everything I love I am going to start asking for previous references from dudes I fuck. What dumb chick done told you that what you were doing blew her back out, because i beg to differ. I'm not going to require it of course, because that would be crazy, but i'm not shy about asking. I refuse to deal with any man that think his sex game is on point, but no chick he has ever messed with can cosign on his abilities. Now some females may be confused by why I would ask an ex about the man you plan on fucking, but that is just the point. Weather she is mad or happy they aren't together, she will be truthful. If it was bad, she will exaggerate, but won't lie and say it was good. If it was great, she will be mad she doesn't have it anymore and her initial reaction will be truthful no matter the words that follow. if it was mediocre, why would you want to sleep with him anyway. I'm just saying. And for my men out there, I can work with a man that wants to be better at sex if he's not good; I refuse to tolerate any more men that think they could never learn anything new or adapt any of their style to please the new woman they are with. You should have nothing to hide if they can back up all the ish you've been saying.

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