July 16, 2012

To My Best Friend, My Dream Chaser....

It was fun having the idea of you as my love for life. Truer words were never spoken than when you said to me that your dad's best friend is his ex-wife. They were better friends than lovers. We are better at chasing the dream than we ever could have been together. I think about the last 5 years and everything we have been through, and for some reason I keep letting you back in, even though I know you always break my heart. You want what you want from me, and say you care about my happiness, but do you mean it is the question that plagues my heart. The best thing for the both us is to move on. I'm not good for you, and you're not good for me. The last time you heard my voice has come and past. I wish many more years of happiness and success in all that you do, and all that you are to become. I can't hold my life for you anymore. We have grown apart as we have also grown up. we aren't 19 and 21 anymore, we are so far beyond those years in this short time that I am not the same and neither are you. My heart always beats for you, but my drum needs this solo. I will miss you terribly, but it's a heartache I can recover from.

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