August 11, 2013

Facts about the Diva

I used to be the type of chick that had a man for different things. I kept a roster so to speak.
  • The guy that would help me with car stuff. (fixing, cleaning, shopping for, or anything that has to do with a car)
  • The guy that was there just to listen to me. (girlfriend drama, boyfriend drama, work drama, family drama etc.)
  • The guy for his body. (everything about our relationship was carnal and passionate and only when I needed it)
  • The guy I bring home (He is perfect on paper and gets my family off my back about getting serious and getting married)
  • The guy I bring around my friends. (My friends loved him, because he was perfect for what we needed. finding the best places to go and always knows how to have fun.)
Usually each one lacked a certain something that prevented me from making him my boyfriend. But now that I am in my mid-20s it’s time to calm all that down and start thinking about a future with someone special. I have sowed my wild oats and I’m ready to be a girlfriend and then wife.I don’t need one man that can do all of the above, but I need someone well-rounded. I have learned to be a therapist, chef, nurse, and provider, so bring something to the table. Balance me out and let’s build something people are jealous of.

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