March 22, 2011

Relationships are never easy..

So why do so many people make them more complicated than they already are. You add on extra restrictions and expectations when your relationship probably isn't average to begin with. You go through realizations after you make commitments and yes "it is a lie" when two days later you change your mind. Over time like 6 months understandable, over two days a lie. Stroking egos that perpetuate bad behavior is never okay. So yes if you haven't been able to tell, my new beau broke up with me this morning. I was pretty sad for like two minutes, but more upset than anything else. If I give up my groupies to be with you, that means i'm all in, so if you break up with me i'm not upset with you, i'm upset I have to build the team up again. Relationships are never easy, which is why i never take them lightly or enter them without thinking about what you probably fail to realize. People wonder why i'm single, i will tell you. When someone is interested in me they either look at my age and see inexperience or they see me sexually and not really looking for a relationship. I know what I want, and yes at this young age of 22 I know what I need out of a relationship. So when I say you probably can't handle it, I have assessed you. Your words have penetrated my mind, and you can't handle a woman like me who's actually mature and doesn't use emotion to determine what she needs. I wish people would learn to listen to me.

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