October 10, 2011

Is it just me?

When you meet someone new that is drop your jaw attractive, do you ever wonder if they would be good in bed? So my group of friends has regular faces that come around, so for a new face to pop up and be that hot that at least 3 females were like I want that, that says a lot. I have like a little mini crush on this guy now that he has come to two functions and I have spoken to him. He is sexy, a total gentleman, well spoken, and kind of sweet. But as I was talking to him the other night, it was loud and when he leaned in to talk to me, I damn near melted. I wanted to jump his bones right there on the pool table we were standing next to, because if he is this appealing with clothes on, what is he like with them off?
Now I don't know what theories are out there for this type of situation, but when I meet someone new that I am physically attracted to, my first thought is usually if they are going to be a good lay or not. To me that feels like a man tendency, but I don't know. I guess after that initial lust, I calm down and think rationally about what qualities a person has, but that initial I want to jump on them is hard to handle. But my question is does anyone else ever feel like this or is it just me, because I like sex? :)

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