April 19, 2013

4 Types of Men...

  • Good Men with bad tendencies
    • These men are quality in character, strength, charisma, and so much more, but have been tainted by bad relationships and influenced by negative friends. Their decent nature taken for granted far too many times not because they make poor choices but because common decency isn't reciprocated. They get ruined and turned into assholes which perpetuates the cycle of bad relationships. Good men with bad tendencies create trust issues and hurt more than a bad man in your world. It gives false hope to relationship happiness. 
  • Good Men
    • It's true when they say they are either gay, taken or a fucking unicorn. Good men have paid their dues and found a partner that makes them happy. So when it comes to good women finding them, they are snapped up so quickly only to have good women preyed on by bad men who speak a good game. Good men have found who they are, and found balance in what they want out of life. This kind of personalized clarity is not easy to come by. Good men have processed and dealt with emotional baggage, surpassed childish peer pressure, and have a confidence that is unlike any other. A good man is respected for his hard work and praised for his character. Rare these days, but not impossible to find.
  • Bad Men with good tendencies
    • These men are usually the cheaters and abusers. They cheat, get caught and try to make it up with doing the things he should have been doing all along. The abusers are verbally destructive and in a lot of cases physically because they want to feel superior, but no good man lays hands on a woman for that reason. These men are not even worth of being called men, because they are scum that try to wear this mask of good nature. They buy flowers to apologize instead of to say I love you. They buy jewelry to make you forget about the bad they did instead of for romance. 
  • Bad Men
    • The utter bottom of the totem pole, with no decency or good will towards woman. They walk around like God's gift to women and demand praise for mediocrity. The perpetual cycle of bad behavior passed down from father to son or lack of father to naive boy. They are not even worth mentioning, because they deserve no recognition. They shouldn't exist, but for some reason seem to be so prevalent in today's society. 
Which one have you portrayed lately? Are you worthy of the woman you call your own? or are you just building on her emotional baggage so that one day she won't be able to shake it off because you have damaged her heart that much. A quality man thinks of every decision he makes when it comes to a woman so as not to hurt her or bring her pain. 

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