April 14, 2013

Random Thoughts...that aren't so random...

I have no patience for a man that doesn't know how to be a man. I need a man willing to take control, tame me so to speak, because I have a wild child spirit, with the mentality of an ambitious woman. A dangerous combination, because I like to do what I want, but what I want is a fulfilling career and husband. So I'm torn at the age I am and at the age where I will settle down. Lost in a generation that doesn't believe in love, too weak to move on from heartache and too prideful to let someone help them. What happened to strength that our culture had to endure during the hardships of slavery and discrimination; but someone disagreeing with you makes you run and hide and be mean to the next person willing to try to love you. What happened to the Kings and Queens that built empires with strength, courage and wisdom? Why is it if a woman is doing better than you, you would rather give up instead of asking for better within and vice versa? It puzzles me sometimes, it really does!

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