April 1, 2013

Are you open?

Open your lungs and breathe
Open your eyes and see
Open your heart and love
Open your mind and learn

Nothing holds us back more than closed off emotions, experiences, and the negativity that puts pressure on our hearts and minds. Don't allow someone else to experience life for you, be in control. Speak a piece that defines you, not just what others will say about you. You are more than your words, because actions are what make the world go round. Are you living to be alive or are you alive to be living? Think about it, when was the last time you did things for the better of your heart and mind instead of what others told you that you should be doing. Don't be fooled by the American dream of white picket fences and happily ever after because not everyone has the same picture, but the goal will always remain the same, to be happy, healthy and successful. So ask yourself, are you open to what life offers?

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