August 3, 2010

Where ya head at?

We've all been there, that person that has decided that they are amazing in bed yet in every aspect of bedroom fun they fall short. (pun intended) when it comes to dick skills i can give a they need to try harder pass but when it comes to giving oral you better know what the hell you're doing. A woman's vagina is not the sphinx, you don't need a combination to get to the g-spot, you don't need the key to knock out the multiple O door.
Without a doubt unless this is the first time you have ever read my blog will you have read one of my stories about good cunnilingus I have received and maybe a few times when it wasn't so great. To say the least I am about to call some folk out who lack in their head skills.
  • If you are going down on me and doing some half ass licking I will grab my phone and start texting.
  • If you feel the need to bite my vagina like its a piece a steak i'm going to slap you, you want me to bite your dick then knock it off
  • Just because you're a boy doesn't mean you can let your nails do whatever. Scratching my pussy is not okay
  • My pussy is already wet, I don't need all your extra slobbery mess all down there. The only thing left on your face should be my juices.
  • If you don't know what you doing don't act like you bout to "eat it up" when we both know you barely touched a pussy let alone been face to face with one

With all epic entries there comes a story. I was for the first time hooking up with a random while completely intoxicated, and I had previously been deprived of sex in all forms for the last month, so inhibitions!?! what are those? We start making out and it gets hot and heavy clothes are coming off and i go in for the feel up, and in the most awkward, unpleasant, almost rude way I look up at him and ask "where's the rest of it?". At this point ego is probably really bruised, so i try to smooth things over. *Personal Philosophy* I don't suck small penises, so he's not getting head from me. We continue to make out for some time then he moves down my body so i'm like okay lets hope the head game is right at least and maybe i'll consider penetration. he starts going at it and i'm at this point thinking about what shows i want to make sure i catch on TiVo when I get home. I try to reach for my phone, but can't. OH GOD i wish my desk was closer i already bruised his ego now its about to shatter. "Ugh get off me, i'm drunk but damn its supposed to be better" so he gathers his clothes and leaves my room super pissed off and probably embarrassed. I lock my door and go on back to sleep.

If you want to hear about a good experience I had with the head game check out Story Time.

People can we please step our head game up before we get embarrassed like this. I love good sex, and i can be your biggest advocate, but at the same time I will call you out on some whack sex game and not be nice about it. Get it together! *THAT IS ALL*

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