February 16, 2010

Love Doesn't Owe You....& Neither Do I

When it comes to the affairs of the heart, most people have been burned at least once. It's one of those things that you are almost guaranteed now-a-days. So when I see men and women being so cynical it hurts my heart a little.
Some of you are probably wondering how I could say something like that, when I talk so much about how I don't want to find love and this that and the other. Let me be clear, I think Love exists, and i'm sure I will encounter it again, but I don't believe in the institution of marriage. I think there are to many dysfunctional people in today's society for there to be a positive chance for a lot of marriages to happen let alone last. I will find love again and again, loving my friends, loving my career and who knows I may even have a child one day.
Now i'm sure there are other people that think and feel the same way I do about the topic at hand. Love happens, heart-break happens, its all in how you deal with it defines who you are and what future potentials will think about you. Just because you were hurt by someone doesn't entitle you to be a control freak in your next relationship. I recently started talking to this nice Island man. He was sexy, heavy accent, dreads, chocolate skin (basically my type), but he played into to many stereotypes of Island folk and people with a broken heart. I'm too much of a free spirit to let some man control who I hang out with. He met me 3 days before he got super possessive and controlling about what I do and who I go see. Paranoia and jealousy is never okay with me in relationships. Can you say "buh-bye"?

Cosmic Karma doesn't owe anyone anything and neither does the next person you date. They are there to provide you with alternatives to your ex, after all they are your ex for some reason. You were heart-broken, SO THE FUCK WHAT, it happens to just about everyone. Take the life lesson and move on. Stop being straight up ignorant to people you are attempting to court, maybe some of this dysfunction will be able dissipate.

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