May 20, 2010

She’s Crazy, He’s a Liar

The average relationship today comes down to the bare foundation of the girl being crazy and the guy just being a liar. Now before you go jumping down my throat saying you don't agree with me hear me out.

The girl/woman usually has ideals about what she wants out of a relationship. Now mind you the females crazy can come in different shapes and forms; the jealous crazy, the bitter girlfriends telling her stuff crazy, the mentally unstable crazy, and the she's been hurt before crazy. Depending on the woman it can also vary with how well she hides her crazy. She can show it on the first encounter or she can hide it until after the wedding. This is what makes women so complicated, you never know what you are going to get.

  • The Jealous Crazy- she is jealous of anything from other females in your life to video games of even your job.
  • The Bitter Girlfriends Telling Her Stuff Crazy- She listens to her girlfriends who haven't been able to keep a relationship about relationships. She needs to find her own mind or you are destined to be seeking the approval of up to 5 women not just the one you're dating
  • The Mentally Unstable Crazy- This usually comes from trauma in her life (i.e. rape, abuse, addiction) or just plain genetics
  • The She's Been Hurt by Men before Crazy- She has had her heart broken so she tends to take it out on every man that follows. This is probably the most common of crazies.

The boy/man has his own ideals about relationships and what he wants. Unlike women, male lies come in different shapes and forms but are very easy to spot; the overcompensated macho liar, the intentional liar, the lie of omission. Depending on how a man is raised determines what kind of liar he is.

  • The Overcompensated Macho liar – He lies about his masculinity to fit in with other guys. He's a tough guy to show off, but really is just a big softy
  • The intentional Liar- He lies about any and everything he can to get ahead with the ladies. This guy is also known as "the player", "the pimp", or "the man". He gets lots of girls, but lies to all of them to make sure he keeps them.
  • The Liar of Omission- He lies to you by telling you almost the whole truth. He conveniently leaves out important details. Yeah he's riding in that Mercedes he bought, it just happens to be bought with drug money. He tells you the story that sounds innocent, but really it's because the truth is so horrific or disappointing you would probably stop talking to him.

You can totally disagree with my reasoning, that's cool, but think about every reason you have ever broken up with a guy or girl. Is it because they were crazy and/or a liar?

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